Source code for ikpy.urdf.utils

from xml.etree import ElementTree
from graphviz import Digraph

LINK_COLOR = "blue"
JOINT_COLOR = "green"

def _get_next_joints(root, current_link):
    current_link_name = current_link.attrib["name"]
    next_joints = []
    for joint in root.findall("joint"):
        if joint.find("parent").attrib["link"] == current_link_name:

    return next_joints

def _get_next_links(root, current_joint):
    child_link_name = current_joint.findall("child")[0].attrib['link']
    child_link = None
    for link in root.findall("link"):
        if link.attrib["name"] == child_link_name:
            child_link = link

    return [child_link]

[docs]class URDFTree: """ Utility class to represent a URDF tree, only used here Still very experimental, this class will change in the future """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.children_links = {} def __repr__(self): return "URDF Link: {};\n".format(
def _create_robot_tree_aux(dot, root, current_link, current_robot_link): """ Parameters ---------- dot: Digraph root current_link current_robot_link Returns ------- """ # TODO: This implementation could be greatly improved # Instead of doing a research of child links for each of the links and passing through all of the links (O(n^2)) # We should instead parse each links and create their child/parent relationship once # For example in a dict # And with this we just a have to go through this dict to build the _URDFLInk data structure for next_joint in _get_next_joints(root, current_link): # NOTE: We need to create IDs that are unique to each joint/link and use them as node ids # Actually, some joints and links can have the same name, and they would appear as the same node in the final graph # Get next joint next_joint_id = "joint_" + next_joint.attrib["name"] dot.node(next_joint_id, label=next_joint.attrib["name"], color=JOINT_COLOR, fillcolor="lightgrey", style="filled") dot.edge("link_" + current_link.attrib["name"], next_joint_id) # Get link associated with each joint next_link = _get_next_links(root, next_joint)[0] next_robot_link = URDFTree(name=next_link.attrib["name"]) current_robot_link.children_links[next_link.attrib["name"]] = next_robot_link next_link_id = "link_" + next_link.attrib["name"] dot.node(next_link_id, label=next_link.attrib["name"], shape="box", color=LINK_COLOR, fillcolor="lightgrey", style="filled") dot.edge(next_joint_id, next_link_id) if next_link is not None: _create_robot_tree_aux(dot, root, next_link, next_robot_link)
[docs]def get_urdf_tree(urdf_path, root_element, out_image_path=None, legend=False): """ Parse an URDF file into a tree of links Parameters ---------- urdf_path: str Path towards the URDF file out_image_path: str If set, save the graph as a pdf in `out_image_path` root_element: str name of the element that will be used as the root of the tree. Common to be "base" legend: bool Add a legend to the final graph Returns ------- dot: graphviz.Digraph The rendered plot urdf_tree: URDFTree """ tree = ElementTree.parse(urdf_path) root = tree.getroot() base_link = root.find("link[@name='{}']".format(root_element)) if base_link is None: raise ValueError("{} not found in the URDF".format(root_element)) urdf_tree = URDFTree(root_element) # Initialize the rec dot = Digraph(name="robot") dot.node("link_" + root_element, label=root_element, shape="box", color=LINK_COLOR, fillcolor="lightgrey", style="filled") # Parse the tree _create_robot_tree_aux(dot, root, base_link, urdf_tree) if legend: # Add a little legend with dot.subgraph(name="cluster_legend") as legend: legend.attr(style="filled", fillcolor="grey", rankdir="TB") legend.attr(label='legend') legend.node("Link", style="filled", color=LINK_COLOR, shape="square", fillcolor="lightgrey", rank="same") legend.node("Joint", style="filled", color=JOINT_COLOR, fillcolor="lightgrey", rank="same") # Finally render the tree if out_image_path is not None: dot.render(out_image_path) return dot, urdf_tree