Source code for ikpy.chain

# coding= utf8
from . import URDF_utils
from . import inverse_kinematics as ik
from . import plot_utils
import numpy as np
from . import link as link_lib

[docs]class Chain(object): """The base Chain class :param list links: List of the links of the chain :param list active_links: The list of the positions of the active links """ def __init__(self, links, active_links=0, profile=''"", **kwargs): self.links = [link_lib.OriginLink()] + links self._length = sum([link._length for link in links]) # Avoid length of zero in a link for (index, link) in enumerate(self.links): if link._length == 0: link._axis_length = self.links[index - 1]._axis_length
[docs] def forward_kinematics(self, joints, full_kinematics=False): """Returns the transformation matrix of the forward kinematics :param list joints: The list of the positions of each joint. Note : Inactive joints must be in the list. :param bool full_kinematics: Return the transorfmation matrixes of each joint :returns: The transformation matrix """ frame_matrix = np.eye(4) if full_kinematics: frame_matrixes = [] for index, (link, joint_angle) in enumerate(zip(self.links, joints)): # Compute iteratively the position # NB : Use asarray to avoid old sympy problems frame_matrix =, np.asarray(link.get_transformation_matrix(joint_angle))) if full_kinematics: # rotation_axe =, link.rotation) frame_matrixes.append(frame_matrix) # Return the matrix, or matrixes if full_kinematics: return frame_matrixes else: return frame_matrix
[docs] def inverse_kinematic(self, target, initial_position, first_active_joint=0, **kwargs): """Computes the inverse kinematic on the specified target :param numpy.array target: The target of the inverse kinematic, in meters :param numpy.array initial_position: the initial position of each joint of the chain :param int first_active_joint: The first active joint$ :returns: The list of the positions of each joint according to the target. Note : Inactive joints are in the list. """ return ik.inverse_kinematic_optimization(self, target, starting_nodes_angles=initial_position, first_active_joint=first_active_joint, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, joints, ax, target=None, show=False): """Plots the Chain using Matplotlib :param list joints: The list of the positions of each joint :param matplotlib.axes.Axes ax: A matplotlib axes :param numpy.array target: An optional target :param bool show: Display the axe. Defaults to False """ if ax is None: # If ax is not given, create one ax = plot_utils.init_3d_figure() plot_utils.plot_chain(self, joints, ax) plot_utils.plot_basis(ax, self._length) # Plot the goal position if target is not None: plot_utils.plot_target(target, ax) if(show): plot_utils.show_figure()
[docs] def from_urdf_file(cls, urdf_file, base_elements=["base_link"], last_link_vector=None, base_elements_type="joint"): """Creates a chain from an URDF file :param urdf_file: The path of the URDF file :type urdf_file: string :param base_elements: List of the links beginning the chain :type base_elements: list of strings :param last_link_vector: Optional : The translation vector of the tip. :type last_link_vector: numpy.array """ links = URDF_utils.get_urdf_parameters(urdf_file, base_elements=base_elements, last_link_vector=last_link_vector, base_elements_type=base_elements_type) return cls(links)
[docs]def pinv(): pass