ikpy.URDF_utils module

ikpy.URDF_utils.find_next_joint(root, current_link, next_joints)[source]

Find the next joint in the URDF tree

Find the next link in the URDF tree

ikpy.URDF_utils.get_chain_from_joints(urdf_file, joints)[source]
ikpy.URDF_utils.get_urdf_parameters(urdf_file, base_elements=['base_link'], last_link_vector=None, base_elements_type='joint')[source]

Returns translated parameters from the given URDF file

  • urdf_file (string) – The path of the URDF file
  • base_elements (list of strings) – List of the links beginning the chain
  • last_link_vector (numpy.array) – Optional : The translation vector of the tip.

Returns a dictionnary with joints as keys, and a description (dict) of each joint as value

ikpy.URDF_utils.convert_angle_to_pypot(angle, joint, **kwargs)[source]

Converts an angle to a PyPot-compatible format

ikpy.URDF_utils.convert_angle_from_pypot(angle, joint, **kwargs)[source]

Converts an angle to a PyPot-compatible format

ikpy.URDF_utils.convert_angle_limit(angle, joint, **kwargs)[source]

Converts the limit angle of the PyPot JSON file to the internal format