Source code for ikpy.urdf.URDF

# coding= utf8
This module contains the main functions used to parse URDF files.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
import numpy as np
import itertools
import warnings

# Ikpy imports
from ikpy import link as lib_link
from ikpy import logs

def _find_next_joint(root, current_link, next_joint_name):
    Find the next joint in the URDF tree

    current_link: xml.etree.ElementTree
        The current URDF link
    next_joint_name: str
        Optional : The name of the next joint. If not provided, find it automatically as the first child of the link.

    has_next: bool
        True if the next joint has been found. Otherwise, the next joint will be None
    next_joint: Optional[Element]
        The next joint
    # Find the joint attached to the link
    has_next = False
    next_joint = None
    search_by_name = (next_joint_name is not None)
    current_link_name = None

    if not search_by_name:
        # If no next joint is provided, find it automatically
        current_link_name = current_link.attrib["name"]

    # FIXME: Use a filter expression directly in the findall statement, instead of filtering by hand
    for joint in root.findall("joint"):
        # Only use joints and links defined at the root.
        # There may be other joints and links elsewhere, but they are just metadata
        if joint is not None:
            # Iterate through all joints to find the good one
            if search_by_name:
                # Find the joint given its name
                if joint.attrib["name"] == next_joint_name:
                    has_next = True
                    next_joint = joint

                # Find the first joint whose parent is the current_link
                # FIXME: We are not sending a warning when we have two children for the same link
                # Even if this is not possible, we should ensure something coherent
                if joint.find("parent").attrib["link"] == current_link_name:
                    has_next = True
                    next_joint = joint

    if search_by_name and not has_next:
        raise ValueError("Error: joint {} given but not found in the URDF".format(next_joint_name))

    return has_next, next_joint

def _find_next_link(root, current_joint, next_link_name):
    Find the next link in the URDF tree

    current_joint: xml.etree.ElementTree
        The current URDF joint
    next_link_name: str
        Optional : The name of the next link. If not provided, find it automatically as the first child of the joint.

    has_next: bool
        True if the next link has been found. Otherwise, the next link will be None
    next_link: Optional[Element]
        The next link
    has_next = False
    next_link = None

    given_next_link = (next_link_name is not None)

    # If no next link, find it automatically
    if next_link_name is None:
        # If the name of the next link is not provided, find it
        next_link_name = current_joint.find("child").attrib["link"]

    # FIXME: Directly find the link using a regex and a filter
    for urdf_link in root.findall("link"):
        if urdf_link.attrib["name"] == next_link_name:
            next_link = urdf_link
            has_next = True

    if given_next_link and not has_next:
        raise ValueError("Error: link {} given but not found in the URDF".format(next_link_name))

    return has_next, next_link

def _find_parent_link(root, joint_name):
    """Find the first link which is the parent of the given joint"""
        parent_link = next(joint.find("parent").attrib["link"]
                           for joint in root.iter("joint")
                           if joint.attrib["name"] == joint_name)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError("Unable to locate the parent link")

    return parent_link

[docs]def get_chain_from_joints(urdf_file, joints): """ Return a complete URDF chain (e.g. links + joints) from a list of joints. This function is notafbly used by PyPot, which considers only joints, but needs to create the chain in order to use them as the `base_elements` of the `get_urdf_parameters` Parameters ---------- urdf_file: str joints: list[str] Returns ------- list[Link] """ tree = ET.parse(urdf_file) root = tree.getroot() links = [_find_parent_link(root, j) for j in joints] # Merge and interleave the `links` and `chain` # Two ways to do this: # First # chain = list(itertools.chain(*list(zip(links, joints)))) # Second: iters = [iter(links), iter(joints)] chain = [] for it in itertools.cycle(iters): try: item = next(it) except StopIteration: break chain.append(item) return chain
[docs]def get_urdf_parameters(urdf_file, base_elements=None, last_link_vector=None, base_element_type="link", symbolic=True): """ Returns translated parameters from the given URDF file. Parse the URDF joints into IKPY links, throw away the URDF links. Parameters ---------- urdf_file: str The path of the URDF file base_elements: list of strings List of the links beginning the chain last_link_vector: numpy.array Optional : The translation vector of the tip. base_element_type: str symbolic: bool Returns ------- list[] """ tree = ET.parse(urdf_file) root = tree.getroot() base_elements = list(base_elements) if base_elements is None: base_elements = ["base_link"] elif base_elements is []: raise ValueError("base_elements can't be the empty list []") joints = [] links = [] has_next = True current_joint = None current_link = None # Initialize the tree traversal if base_element_type == "link": # The first element is a link, so its (virtual) parent should be a joint node_type = "joint" elif base_element_type == "joint": # The same as before, but swap link and joint node_type = "link" else: raise ValueError("Unknown type: {}".format(base_element_type)) # Parcours récursif de la structure de la chain while has_next: if len(base_elements) != 0: next_element = base_elements.pop(0) else: next_element = None if node_type == "link": # Current element is a link, find child joint (has_next, current_joint) = _find_next_joint(root, current_link, next_element) node_type = "joint" if has_next: joints.append(current_joint) logs.logger.debug("Next element: joint {}".format(current_joint.attrib["name"])) elif node_type == "joint": # Current element is a joint, find child link (has_next, current_link) = _find_next_link(root, current_joint, next_element) node_type = "link" if has_next: links.append(current_link) logs.logger.debug("Next element: link {}".format(current_link.attrib["name"])) parameters = [] # Save the joints in the good format for joint in joints: origin_translation = [0, 0, 0] origin_orientation = [0, 0, 0] rotation = None translation = None bounds = [-np.inf, np.inf] origin = joint.find("origin") if origin is not None: if "xyz" in origin.attrib.keys(): origin_translation = [float(x) for x in origin.attrib["xyz"].split()] if "rpy" in origin.attrib.keys(): origin_orientation = [float(x) for x in origin.attrib["rpy"].split()] joint_type = joint.attrib["type"] if joint_type not in ["revolute", "prismatic", "fixed"]: raise ValueError("Unknown joint type: {}".format(joint_type)) axis = joint.find("axis") if axis is not None: if joint_type == "revolute": rotation = [float(x) for x in axis.attrib["xyz"].split()] translation = None elif joint_type == "prismatic": rotation = None translation = [float(x) for x in axis.attrib["xyz"].split()] elif joint_type == "fixed": warnings.warn("Joint {} is of type: fixed, but has an 'axis' attribute defined. This is not in the URDF spec and thus this axis is ignored".format(joint.attrib["name"])) else: raise ValueError("Unknown joint type with an axis: {}, {}".format(joint_type, axis)) limit = joint.find("limit") if limit is not None: if "lower" in limit.attrib: bounds[0] = float(limit.attrib["lower"]) if "upper" in limit.attrib: bounds[1] = float(limit.attrib["upper"]) parameters.append(lib_link.URDFLink( name=joint.attrib["name"], bounds=tuple(bounds), origin_translation=origin_translation, origin_orientation=origin_orientation, rotation=rotation, translation=translation, use_symbolic_matrix=symbolic, joint_type=joint_type )) # Add last_link_vector to parameters if last_link_vector is not None: # The last link doesn't provide a rotation parameters.append(lib_link.URDFLink( origin_translation=last_link_vector, origin_orientation=[0, 0, 0], rotation=None, translation=None, name="last_joint", use_symbolic_matrix=symbolic, joint_type="fixed" )) return parameters
def _get_motor_parameters(json_file): """Returns a dictionary with joints as keys, and a description (dict) of each joint as value""" with open(json_file) as motor_fd: global_config = json.load(motor_fd) motors = global_config["motors"] # Returned dict motor_config = {} # Add motor to the config for motor in motors: motor_config[motor] = motors[motor] return motor_config def _convert_angle_to_pypot(angle, joint, **kwargs): """Converts an angle to a PyPot-compatible format""" angle_deg = (angle * 180 / np.pi) if joint["orientation-convention"] == "indirect": angle_deg = -1 * angle_deg # UGLY if joint["name"].startswith("l_shoulder_x"): angle_deg = -1 * angle_deg angle_pypot = angle_deg - joint["offset"] return angle_pypot def _convert_angle_from_pypot(angle, joint, **kwargs): """Converts an angle to a PyPot-compatible format""" angle_internal = angle + joint["offset"] if joint["orientation-convention"] == "indirect": angle_internal = -1 * angle_internal # UGLY if joint["name"].startswith("l_shoulder_x"): angle_internal = -1 * angle_internal angle_internal = (angle_internal / 180 * np.pi) return angle_internal def _convert_angle_limit(angle, joint, **kwargs): """Converts the limit angle of the PyPot JSON file to the internal format""" angle_pypot = angle # No need to take care of orientation if joint["orientation"] == "indirect": angle_pypot = 1 * angle_pypot # angle_pypot = angle_pypot + offset return angle_pypot * np.pi / 180